Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) WHO Thailand Situation Report 218 - 12 January 2022 [EN/TH]

Situation Analysis

• New cases and active cases including those in hospital, home, community and field hospital are increasing.

• The number of new cases increased by 125% in the past 7 days compared to the previous week. This explosive increase is similar to that experienced by other countries and the situation globally resulting from the Omicron variant of concern (VoC).

• The average daily number of ‘active’ COVID-19 cases (52,684) over the last seven days has increased by 58% comparted to the previous week. Today the number of newly reported cases in Thailand (7,681) is more than double the number of reported recoveries (3,350).

• Severe cases, ventilated cases and deaths continue to decrease. The number of severe COVID-19 cases reported today (480) is only 8% of the highest number ever reported (5,626) on 16 August 2021. However, the rate of decrease has slowed down to 11% reduction from the previous week’s 27% reduction.

• The number of ventilated cases reported today (108) is only 9% of the highest number ever reported, (1,172) on 15 August 2021. The rate of decrease has slowed down from 20% reduction from the previous week’s 35% reduction

• An average of 15 deaths have been reported over the last seven days, a reduction from 17 deaths on average for the previous week. As with severe and ventilated cases the rate of decrease in deaths is slowing down decreasing by 16% in the past week compared to 37% decrease in the previous week

• The daily number of imported COVID cases increased 141% (averaging 338 per day) from the previous week’s daily average of 140 international traveler cases, reflecting the increased incidence of COVID VoC Omicron infections in travelers arriving from heavily affected countries.

• Community transmission of COVID VoC Omicron is now being reported in the majority of provinces in Thailand with only two provinces not reporting cases in the last week.

• COVID-19 vaccination rates continue to rise and are expected to significantly reduce levels of severe illness and deaths caused by all currently circulating COVID-19 strains, including VoC Omicron. However, vaccination rates are still low in some provinces and in some important risk groups..

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) WHO Thailand Situation Report 218 – 12 January 2022 [EN/TH]

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