2022 Offline Training Event

Date: May 23-27 2022 (Tentative)

Objective: Equip human rights documenters with interview methodology training so that collected data and testimony can be used effectively for advocacy, and justice mechanisms.

Partners: Cross Cultural Foundation

Sponsor: National Endowment for Democracy

Training Topics:

Interview methodology and Security

Questionnaire design, how to identify perpetrators (who did what to whom), how to ensure interviews and information can be used for justice mechanisms, how to successfully submit to UN WGAD and WGEID bodies


Personal digital security for interviewers

Location: Thailand


The training will be designed to address the identified needs of documenters working on abuses in Thailand. Other documenters globally who have also requested training on the same topics will also be invited. The workshop will use a double cohort structure, with one group of documenters receiving training in English, and the other learning through an interpreter.

TJWG will cover travel (and related costs Covid tests, insurance, etc) and accommodation costs, and offer a per diem for travelling documenters.

Access Accountability, an initiative of the Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG) based in Seoul, South Korea, provides training and resources for human rights documentation groups globally by identifying areas of need and matching them with the expertise required to achieve their goals.

Our aim is to assist groups involved in monitoring and documenting human rights abuses in any region, but particularly those who may be looking ahead to a transitional justice process in their local context.

We accept applications for our online trainings and global offline workshops throughout the year so if you or your group/organization is interested please reach out to us via info@accessaccountability.org




Human Rights Documentation Training in Thailand: Questionnaire Design and Utilizing UN Working Groups

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